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Two top tier creative Starcraft 2 players face off on the new balance patch. El más humilde que podrás encontrar.Starcraft 2 Pro Player! Starcraft 2 Pro Player! Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers. Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community. Chat Settings

Many players are playing defensive or longer games to try out new units. With a 2-1 match score in the group, Nina advanced to the live Round of 16 portion of WCS America which, due to the end of NASL's StarCraft II involvement, took place in Cologne, Germany. Watch PuCK's Starcraft 2 Pro stream - SC2Casts.com - the best Starcraft 2 VODs anywhere on the Internet

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Aspiring full time streamer. Watch Queue Queue Queue This video is unavailable.

Not these players.

Nina's WCS America 2014 Season 1 Premier League Round of 16 match took place on April 5, 2014.

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