moussa wagué transfermarkt

world cups), individual competitions (e.g. Moussa Wagué, 21, from Senegal FC Barcelona, since 2019 Right-Back Market value: £6.03m * Oct 4, 1998 in Bignona, Senegal

This …

4 okt. This will also cause the corresponding information to be shown under "Detailed stats".

Voici le détail des performances réalisées par Moussa Wagué (FC Barcelona). TM/imago images

This overview shows all of a player's call-ups for the national team selected under "Stats". Current market value: Under "Filter by national team", you can filter by appearances for senior national team(s) and appearances for U-xx teams.

world cups), individual competitions (e.g.

Le 3 août 2018, il rejoint le FC Barcelone B.. Ernesto Valverde le convoque pour la première fois en équipe A le 10 janvier 2019 contre Levante..

Highest market value: FC Barcelona at a glance: The compact squad overview with all players and data in the season Overall statistics of current season. For using this site, please activate JavaScript. for your selected category. Current international: Under "Matches", you can also filter by actual number of matches played or by all matches with goals scored.

For using this site, please activate JavaScript.

Actuele marktwaarde:

€ * 4 okt. imago images TM/imago images 1998 in Bignona, Senegal Moussa Wagué - Spelersprofiel 19/20 | Transfermarkt The website contains a statistic about the performance data of the player. This overview shows all of a player's call-ups for the national team selected under "Stats". 6,70 mln. This is the national team page of FC Barcelona player Moussa Wagué.

Oct 4, 1998 (21)

This snapshot overview displays all of the international games recorded for a particular player in the TM database. Moussa Wagué, 21, from Senegal FC Barcelona, since 2019 Right-Back Market value: €6.70m * Oct 4, 1998 in Bignona, Senegal Oct 4, 1998 (21) It shows the transfer history, the clubs Moussa Wagué played for in his career, time of transfers and the transfer fees.

substitutions on and off, penalty goals, etc.) Javascript activeren.


Marca report

This site shows all historic rumours regarding a player. La page comporte des statistiques sur la performance du joueur.

Moussa Wagué s'engage avec le KAS Eupen en novembre 2016, en provenance de l'Académie Aspire.. OGC Nice Ligue 1 League level: First Tier Joined: Jan 31, 2020 Contract until: 30.06.2020 $ 7.37 m 7.37 m. Last update: Apr 8, 2020

1998 (21) Act.

This statistic shows which shirt numbers the palyer has already worn in his career. imago images. Player stats of Moussa Wagué (FC Barcelona) goals assists matches played all performance data

imago images

WC 2014) and to specific time periods.

Hoogste marktwaarde: Moussa Wagué, 21, uit Senegal FC Barcelona, sinds 2019 Rechtervleugelverdediger Marktwaarde: 6,70 mln. These are the detailed performance data of FC Barcelona player Moussa Wagué. 7,50 mln.

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