first overwatch trailer

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To our scenario now, personally I am not only a passionate gamer but also an online marketer and it happens for me to be one of those who know what they do for a living really good … this is why I have so much free time to play games after all in my age So let break down this Overwatch Cinematic Movie Trailer video and try to understand what Blizzard was aiming to say through it to our gaming community to a conscious but also to a subconscious level.In first place for those of you who are ignorant about the story between Blizzard and Valve we must say that this game title serves also as an answer from Blizzard to Valve for Dota 2 but this is another discussion which will take place on my other submission where we will  overview the game as a game!But I did not mention it by accident here as long as what I just said gives a BIG insight to what we should expect from Blizzard regarding if Overwatch will be free to play or gamers should invest their money in order to be able to play it!Overwatch is by many means a new modern version of Valve’s successful tittle named “Team Fortress” and this game tittle is a free to play tittle … so if I am correct … The information is given to us by the fact that the whole Overwatch cinematic movie trailer is presented to us through a kid’s and his teenager brother I think, eyes – experience – dreams!You know … the choices of the Overwatch heroes – Champions presented especially in an introductory video are never made by luck or accident and they are there for a reason.Obviously the staring Overwatch heroes – champions are those on which Blizzard is focusing and this is not also an accident Nearly all of them are slightly more mature plus Bad Ass in appearance and they serve as the bridge in the gap between the targeted ages and those which are also welcome to play the game and serve exactly the role they also serve in this Overwatch Cinematic Movie Trailer video.To explain myself obviously once more Blizzard wants mature players to serve as a lead magnet for their beloved and targeted audience mentioned earlier in this Video Submission and serve through admiration and expectation set up the vision every single little kid – teenager has when he or she endorses a game and start playing it.As the kid does in the Overwatch Cinematic Movie Video … blizzard want his targeted audience to wear the glove and take part on the big men fight Is what I said up to this point make sense now to you ? On this day, 4 years ago, the first trailer revealing Overwatch was first shown. 555 comments. This thread is archived. This OVERWATCH Trailer is the First OW Cinematic Movie video presented by Blizzard during OVERWATCH game prerelease phase and it is worth watching for sure! These cookies do not store any personal information.Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies.

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